Our committee
Executive Committee
Greg Carey
- president@rowvillerockets.com
Vice President
Carolynne Sloan
- vicepresident@rowvillerockets.com
Lara Pimblett
- secretary@rowvillerockets.com
Mel Cameron
- treasurer@rowvillerockets.com
Our Club Constitution
The constitution outlines the functions and rules under which our club will operate.
The constitution, together with our Policies and Procedures, will help to protect our club members and officers and make the club run smoothly.
Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the rules as you are expected to uphold and abide by it at all times.
General Committee/ IT
Peter Shottle
- pshottle@rowvillerockets.com
Caitlin White
- registrar@rowvillerockets.com
Coaching Director
Jason Cook
- jcook@rowvillerockets.com
Caitlin White
- uniforms@rowvillerockets.com
Code of Conduct - Committee
Basketball is intended to be a recreational activity for enjoyment and health. This code of conduct has been developed by Basketball Victoria to give participants some guide to the expectations it has on those participants. It is intended to assist everyone to obtain the maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in basketball. As a result, the quality of participation will be improved so people are more likely to start and continue their involvement in basketball. Enjoy!!
Please take the time to familiarise yourself with the code as you are expected to abide by it at all times.
Age Group Coordinators
Under 8
Carolynne Sloan
- csloan@rowvillerockets.com
Boys Under 10
Miranda Blok
- mblok@rowvillerockets.com
Girls Under 10
Andrea Szymanski
- aszymanski@rowvillerockets.com
Boys Under 12
Lara Pimblett
- lpimblett@rowvillerockets.com
Girls Under 12
Greg Mawer
- gmawer@rowvillerockets.com
Boys Under 14
Dale Roughan
- droughan@rowvillerockets.com
Girls Under 14
Christy Fisher
- cfisher@rowvillerockets.com
Boys Under 16
Jess Hobbs
- jhobbs@rowvillerockets.com
Girls Under 16
Christy Fisher
- cfisher@rowvillerockets.com
Ben McDonald
- bmcdonald@rowvillerockets.com
Girls Under 19 (knox)
Julie Chiavaroli
- jchiavaroli@rowvillerockets.com
Men Under 23
Ben McDonald
- bmcdonald@rowvillerockets.com
Women Under 23
Ben McDonald
- bmcdonald@rowvillerockets.com
Caitlin White
- cwhite@rowvillerockets.com